LEVEL: Form 3
TIME: 40 minutes – 1 hour
AIMS: To write an email to friend from overseas about the wonderful places in Malaysia
One computer per group of 2-3 students, with an internet connection, a Web Browser, and email. Each students or group needs an email address.
Teacher’s email:
1. Locate sites that had been given or any other sites that related to the topic.
2. Check any other sites before lesson. Using the information on the site, prepare a worksheet.
1. Ask students to choose any places that are suitable or interesting within Malaysia. They can choose more than one place but it should be near to each other. For instance, Port Dickson and Seremban in Negeri Sembilan.
2. Handout will be given to each group and they need to answer all the questions before proceed to next task. For reference, they can check the answer by surfing the internet.
3. After that, they need to produce an informal letter to their friend who is not a Malaysian. The format should be in the standard form of an informal letter.
4. Extra marks will be given if the students add some pictures or video related to the interesting places. Teacher will show a sample to students for reference.
5. The letter must include all the detail from the worksheet.
6. Students need to send their informal letter to teacher’s email. Teacher will check and gives marks according to their work for the next week’s class and also through the representative of each group.